Customer Discounts & Fees
At Click IT, we offer the following discounts to our valued customers on an ongoing basis for our unsubscribed labor and our subscribed services. We do not offer discounts on purchased hardware or software since we provide these items to our customers on a cost-plus basis that typically only covers our administrative fees.
Payment Frequency Discounts: Services
- Can be combined with Customer Loyalty Discounts
- Can be combined with Customer Loyalty Discounts
- Can be combined with Customer Loyalty Discounts
Loyalty Reward Discounts: Services
Key Customer
- Can't be combined with on-going labor discount
- For qualifications, see Key Customer Criteria
- Can be combined with Bundled Services Discount
Bundled Services
- Must be subscribed to more than one service
- Can't be combined with on-going labor discount
- Can be combined with Key Customer Discount
Unsubscribed Labor
- Spending must be over $500 in monthly subscribed services
- Must be subscribed to more than one service - call "Bundled Services"
- This discount applies to all labor, including phone support
Special Offers & Convenience Fee
Summer Sale
- Additional Flat Discount Offered During Summer Months.
- Can Only Be Used When Subscribing to a New Service During Designated Times.
- Last Date Offered was Summer of 2019.
Prepaid Special
- Offered on Rare Occations During Special Times Determined by Click IT
- Available by Invitation Only and Selected Customers
- Other Rules Apply As Announced During Sale
Convenience Fee
- Cost of processing credit cards as charged by all MasterCard, Visa, Discover Card and American Express credit card transactions.
- Only applied to transactions over $500 where a credit card is used.
A Word About Finance Fees
Click IT has been in operation since 2012. We have operated as any business does, abiding by the credit rules either making on-time payments to our vendors and creditors or suffering the consequence of paying the penalties they impose.
Just as we are expected by our creditors and vendors to pay them on time or bear their absorbent penalty fees, we too ask our customers to abide by our terms for payment and pay us on time, within our reasonable grace period.
If you can't pay your Click IT invoice on time for whatever reason, please contact us and we will make our best attempt to arrange a payment schedule that satisfies your needs. Unfortunately, we don't always have that leeway to accept late payments without ourselves occurring late fees. Therefore, we will begin being more vigilant in enforcing our credit policies and adding late fees onto invoices paid after the due date, as our Legal Agreements clearly state.