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Base Labor Rate: $96.00/hour
- Click IT offers a vast array of services to our clients and customers, too many for any single list. As such, there are many IT services that are quoted on an hourly basis.
- While not applicable to all situations, from time to time, certain IT service requests that fall under the "base labor" category will be billed as such.
- After one (1) hour, all labor is billed in 15-minute increments.
- Village Area Pickup and Drop Off - No Charge
- Outside Local Pickup (Under 5 Miles) $25.00
- Outside Local Pickup (5-15 Miles) $50.00
- Outside Local Pickup (Over 15 Miles) Time plus $.55/mile
- Certified Data Destruction $39.95
- Computer Recycling No Charge
Prices are subject to change without notice. Managed services may require a set-up fee to enroll all systems. Managed Services and all Hosting services are changed on a per month basis. Pre-payment, contract length, and bulk discounts are available.